Now that winter is here and days much shorter, I've noticed that my headlights are way too low. I did a quick inspection and found that the arm of the rear level sensor is broken. It's the part that shown here:
Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be sold separately and since my sensor appears to be working because it's not throwing headlight error codes, I'd rather do without replacing it because it is definitely NOT cheap at all up here in Canada. Plus, I've just put $800 on the car for other repairs. I'm thinking that I could simply put a dab of adhesive on the sensor so it doesn't move and then adjust the headlights manually so they don't move. I don't carry 800lbs of passengers on the rear seat so don't think that my headlight adjustment should vary much. Plus, it would be like most cars out there that don't have auto adjust.
All I could find on the web is about how to force the computer to learn their new "reset position" but I'm thinking that completely disabling the auto adjust would be the way to go. Is this doable? Any other recommendations?