Originally Posted by
I would be hacking up two grills. The RS6 for the mesh and the A4 for the frame. I wont be hacking up my OEM one, so I'll have to buy 2, and probably sell the one currently on my car. But the initial cost is still two. Idk, it's how I did the math in my head.
Ball park, mind telling what you ended up spending on this mod? Did you follow the guide on Nick's blog or find another?
I see what you're saying. For me, I bought the rs6 grille used here on az for around 100 bucks. I had also bartered with another az member (A4Effort) and acquired his oem titanium grill in exchange for taking photos of his car lol. So I still have my S4 grill somewhere in my backyard at least. The only other money I spent was on epoxy, some super glue to "tack weld" the honeycomb to the b7 surround and some filler because I cut too much. So maybe around $130, give or take.
And yes, I used the guide on the blog. If I had to do it over again, I would definitely try to make some kind of template of the b7 grille before I cut and trim the rs6 honeycomb. I ended up trimming a little too much off of the honeycomb in the bottom corners when I was trying to fit it in. Since it's not flat, and has a decent amount of curvature, it can definitely be tricky trying to get it just right. from up close you can definitely see where I had a hard time with it. I was thinking of something like chicken wire, since it's so flexible but can sort of hold a shape, or even cardboard. It would have been REALLY helpful.
If you zoom in on this picture, you can just make out some of the filler on the bottom. I'm also pretty impatient and have no skill with that sort of thing so it looks a little rough lol. Someone like Noel who works with plastic and fiberglass can do much better than I did. I should have spend some time to clean that up but I was fed up lol
3D8A3463.jpg by
jj bonilla, on Flickr
This is the best shot I have to show the curvature of the grill, and why a template would do you well.
11057862_10156002319685468_1654130178866365192_o by
jj bonilla, on Flickr