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Thread: Broken Valve

  1. #1
    Registered Member One Ring
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    Broken Valve

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    Hey everyone. This is my first time posting here and I only made my account for this question. I have an '02 A4 1.8t and the other day the valve cover gasket leaked oil into the spark plugs chamber and shorted out the coils. I had this fixed (I don't have the knowledge or tools to fix this myself) but when the shop put it all back together they found a metallic noise in the engine. The valve in one of the cylinders broke and there is no longer any compression in that cylinder. He quoted me $1500 to fix this (I am a broke college student).

    My questions are:
    Is there a relation between the valve cover gasket leak and the valve breaking?
    Am I getting ripped off for the price of the repair?
    With only ~84000 miles and these problems coming up, is it worth fixing or should I look to sell it?
    I believe the timing belt also had to be changed earlier than usual, I am the second owner.

    Any advice would be helpful and if this is posted in the wrong place I apologize.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings Seerlah's Avatar
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    TB needs to be changed around the 70k mark. Oil in your spark plug hole and valve bending/breaking issue is unrelated. Valve bending was due to a faulty timing belt component. But why only one valve in one cylinder? This is why I dont trust shops.

    Some advice:
    If you plan on owning this csr for a while, learn how to fix things yourself or be prepared for a burden vs a joyous ownership. If you aren't mechanically inclined or aren't willing to learn, this is the wrong car to own as a broke college student.
    I hate it when my car acts like a little bitch, treating me like a bitch

  3. #3
    Senior Member Two Rings RagtagXMASTER's Avatar
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    I have one valve bent in cylinder one of my old head and its just the center valve. but anyways i agree with Seerlah on this. but i too am a broke collge student, but i do all my own repairs and maintnance. the price is probably fair. having to dissassemble the nose of the car, remove the head and put the vlave and retainers in. then reaassemble, but there is no mentioning what else they might find in the car that might break along the way so take that first cost as an estimate if everything goes smoothely, otherwise be prepared to spend much more for miscelanious things in the procedure to break.

  4. #4
    Active Member Two Rings
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seerlah View Post
    TB needs to be changed around the 70k mark. Oil in your spark plug hole and valve bending/breaking issue is unrelated. Valve bending was due to a faulty timing belt component. But why only one valve in one cylinder? This is why I dont trust shops.

    Some advice:
    If you plan on owning this csr for a while, learn how to fix things yourself or be prepared for a burden vs a joyous ownership. If you aren't mechanically inclined or aren't willing to learn, this is the wrong car to own as a broke college student.
    If one bent the rest of the center valves on the intake side would bend and im pretty sure the exhaust would have bent depending on how far the belt had skipped atleast the reat of the center intake valves would bend no?

    Quote Originally Posted by Audijeff View Post
    Hey everyone. This is my first time posting here and I only made my account for this question. I have an '02 A4 1.8t and the other day the valve cover gasket leaked oil into the spark plugs chamber and shorted out the coils. I had this fixed (I don't have the knowledge or tools to fix this myself) but when the shop put it all back together they found a metallic noise in the engine. The valve in one of the cylinders broke and there is no longer any compression in that cylinder. He quoted me $1500 to fix this (I am a broke college student).

    My questions are:
    Is there a relation between the valve cover gasket leak and the valve breaking?
    Am I getting ripped off for the price of the repair?
    With only ~84000 miles and these problems coming up, is it worth fixing or should I look to sell it?
    I believe the timing belt also had to be changed earlier than usual, I am the second owner.

    Any advice would be helpful and if this is posted in the wrong place I apologize.
    Quote Originally Posted by RagtagXMASTER View Post
    I have one valve bent in cylinder one of my old head and its just the center valve. but anyways i agree with Seerlah on this. but i too am a broke collge student, but i do all my own repairs and maintnance. the price is probably fair. having to dissassemble the nose of the car, remove the head and put the vlave and retainers in. then reaassemble, but there is no mentioning what else they might find in the car that might break along the way so take that first cost as an estimate if everything goes smoothely, otherwise be prepared to spend much more for miscelanious things in the procedure to break.

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  5. #5
    Senior Member Two Rings RagtagXMASTER's Avatar
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    My tb tensioner broken in half. So wen it was running it bent just cylinder 1 center valve. The exhaust valves were all fine and the rest of the intake valves were fine. Probably because the cam only spun enough to bend one and then there was no tension on the belt. Ill get a pick up asap but i dont think this helps @audijeff

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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