I know with cold weather, rattles and sounds begin rearing their ugly heads. With that said, even during the end of summer, I keep getting a rattle in my passenger door that sounds really 'tinny' metallic if that makes sense. It only starts when I get up to 70mph or above. Literally, its silent until I get to 70 then continues. I believe it's coming from the lower front portion of the door card but its so hard to pinpoint when driving.
I've cleaned and lubed my door seals and checked all my cubby holes. In addition:
I've checked the fuse panel, I have no sunroof tool and I've used felt all around it. I even taped the fuse bracket covers inside to make sure htose weren't it.
I took off the speaker cover and felted around that as well.
I took the door card off and looked around, hoping it was sometning caught in there or a lose screw, but nothing and all screws were tight.
I even pulled up the door jamb cover between the door and seat but I don't see anything out of place.
With the door card off, ,(I couldn't get the door latch cord off the handle htough), I feel like it might be something behind the metal interior door panel and the outside of the car. Is there a way to get to that.
At this point, I have no idea what else to try.
Any thoughts? Car's under warranty but at 30K miles, my dealer won't mess with it. They give the old rattles past 12k mileage excuse.