This morning I started my car and let it warm up for a minute or two, then drove about 4 minutes home from my girlfriends. About 45 minutes later I go back out to my car to head to work and I start it. Starts fine, but after a few seconds of normal idle, the rpm's jump up to about 1250. They stay there for about 30 seconds, then drop down to about 1000 for a few seconds then go back up to 1250 or so. I put it in 1st, start to let out the clutch and the car shuts off.
Now the car wont start. Don't know if this is the proper terminology, but its trying to turn over, it just never starts. The volt-meter is showing 12v's. I've had a CEL for a few weeks and had it read saying it has a bad EGT and coolant sensor. Could this be related to that?
I don't have vag-com myself, had to take it to Pure-MS to get read. Guessing I need to get it towed back there to have them take a look at it. But any help in the mean time would be greatly appreciated.