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wanting to do this to satisfy stupid liberal illinois gun laws when i drive over the river from st louis. thy want the pistol and ammo in seperate locked compartments. so the glove box holds the iron, locked. and i have to drop the mag and put it in the trunk.
i wanted to put one of those simple U-shape lock bars and dremel through the front of the door so the bar threads through and is attatched to the inner top of the drawer bay. that way i can just drop a simple master lock on it if the fuzz lights me up.
Same here in Wa, weapon must be unloaded and ammo separate unless you have a concealed carry license, but I do so its locked and cocked
I drop it into the drawer if im going somewhere I cant carry, holds my Glock 36 and a spare mag perfectly, not so well with my Sigs or 1911, but they dont see much carry time anyway.
Ive never had a problem leaving it in the storage tray with out a lock, as most people dont know that it is there, and if im in a place where I think my car will get broken into im gonna have my gun on me
P.S. the ski bag works well for long rifles as well as skis......wonder if Audi ever threw a mouser in their during design/testing of it