I have a '03 Quattro 5sp with about 110Kmiles that has started making noises on low speed parking lot type maneuvers (moderate radius turns at low speeds). It seemed to start a little earlier with a periodic "thump" on the left side that I imagined was a loose strut mount shifting in its mount, but more recently I'm getting other more creaky/groany sounds when pulling into a driveway, etc. On cold mornings I get creaky/squeaky sounds that go away when the day warms up - I think those are just old dry bushings, but I'm more concerned about these other sounds that you can actual feel a little through the car. The sounds happen when the car is just coasting (clutch in) so I don't think it is a drive shaft thing - more of a suspension thing. Any suggestions for where I should look first? Having done my timing belt and other moderately difficult projects, is this likely the kind of thing I could tackle or does it require a lift and air tools, etc.?