Hi all,
*Before i begin, let me say that i did search and my issue is a little different from the threads i read through already.
On the way home, i was cruising at 50 mph (it's raining in NJ) in 6th gear and i'm casually changing lanes. As i'm changing lanes, i drive over a small puddle (not deep, thin layer on the ground) and the car shudders REALLY hard. I believe the car ABS'd. The all the lights immediately turn on and start flashing: CEL, TPMS, Parking brake
I'm freaking out, thinking i hit/ran over something or popped my tires. I coast to the shoulder and pull over. There is no damage anywhere. Nothing on bumpers, fenders, tires, etc; all good. I go back into the car and shut down. Wait a few minutes and turn the car back on. The above pictures is what remains.
This is where my problem is different from other people. My idle is rock solid and my car sounds normal. HOWEVER, when i rev my car, i can NOT build any boost. Right when boost should be building, i hear all the air escaping in a sharp whistling sound instead. This leads me to believe i have either:
1- boost leak (coupler on intercooler, etc)
2- diverter valve broke and is leaking air
3- wastegate broke and is leaking air
QUESTION- if our car goes into limp mode, does the ECU prevent us from going into boost? does it keep the wastegate/dv open?
i saw MYFASTA4's thread with a similar issue (limp mode), but it looks like all he had to do was get his codes cleared and then was A-OK:
Also saw majateck's thread where a plastic cap on the back of his engine popped off and was causing his issues. however, he was having a rough idle and other issues i am not experiencing:
i saw the broken intake manifold thread, but i don't believe i have this issue. i don't hear a 'baseball card in the spokes of a bike' sound. can anyone tell me any of the other symptoms for this?
Any help or suggestions are welcome. I'm trying to narrow down my list of areas to check tomorrow morning so i can hopefully go in to the office if possible.