So my front axles have a pretty regular clicking sound when turning the wheel, and when stationary sometimes turning the wheel all the way in one direction will result in a thud right before the steering stops. Also when making a slow and hard right turn I feel a slight vibration. Not sure if the thud is CV related but everything else points to a CV on it's way out.
Not a lot of info on the S4 forum about replacing them or other options. Just people identifying what the noise is. Given the car has 75k, I'm not sure it's worth repacking the CV's with grease and putting on new boots. That sounds like just as much labor as replacing the whole assembly. I was pleasantly surprised to find the Assemblies are only $137 from ECS and $160 from JHM, but both look to be non-oem.
What advice would those of you who have gone through this give me? Are the aftermarket assemblies mentioned above ok, and do you agree just replace the ailing one (or both, need to check)?