mms_picture_3.jpg by sleep154, on Flickr
now iam in the process of finding the leak. i never knew the avant to leak... but then again its never rained 8in's in 6 days.
it was damp and moist on the front but iam sure thats from the foot of water in the car....
its only wet on the floor under the passenger seat back to the rear footwell.
No where eles. no seats, no water under rear seat.
no water/wet spots on the headliner....
i have been trying to get it dry so i can begin water testing.. but it is a serious bitch as it seems to never wanna get dry. lol
so has anyone ever seen this? have an recommendations? i dont have a layout of the drains for the sunroof.. so iam pretty much in the dark there.
i checked the door drains and they seem to be working..
any suggestions on what to do and where to start?