please i need feed back fast i know there are lots of post about this same topic and i have read alot of them. and will continue took search the forum but any info i could get would be grand!
so i bought a 1.8t today and the lady said there was something up with the coolent but didnt specify to much...she said it never over heated on her so i didnt think to much of it.
i was driving it home and it was fine for about the first 10 mins then it started to over heat but the gage would go back and forth from mid to HOT so i thought maybe therm.? no finally about 3 miles from my house i had to pull over because it went all the way to hot and stayed there of course i opened the hood and coolent is every where... i took off the coolent cap and the O-ring seal wasnt there i dont know if this could have anything to do with it or not but also i got it towed home and took out the spark plugs and they smell like coolent...
other info- didnt see any oil in coolent(in the puddle on the ground)/ oil seemed pretty full(havent checked it once it cooled yet)/no smoke from exhaust/no coolent coming out from exhaust?? idk really need help!! im thinking HG, ITM, or maybe turbo? i also read somewhere something about a rear coolent flange but i have no idea what this is?
if theres anything i missed let me know i tried to cover everything
im trying to get my compression test from home and i have a vag-com on the way but that bitch is in china air mail god help me? haha