Permatex Ultra Gray is my choice, but Ultra Black is fine, too. I think its rated service temp is 500*F. I used to use that, but then I discovered that the gray has a service temp of 625*F. Why not, right? It's still epically cheaper than what any of the dealerships sell, and it works great.
I will say that I have had cars in the past that simply refused to stop minor valve cover leaks, for one reason or another, and that I have taken to giving a very light coating to the entire gasket and all other parts before installing nowadays. It's a BITCH to remove it all, if and when the time comes, but I've not had one leak since I started doing that (as expected). My buddy and I are going to tackle a maintenance day in a couple weeks, and since he's an Audi tech, I'll let him lead the way on that. If no goo on the gasket works, I lose. If it leaks anywhere, I'll just say "haha" and go back, clean 'em off, and give 'em a light coating.