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My avatar is a bag of nuts called Nut Sack. I found the picture somewhere and thought it was pretty funny. But since noone has answered my question i will ask it again. With different tunes can you cycle through them like you can with the ASP chip i believe it was. Or can you only run 1 and only one. I will be going with EPL when i get my tune for the simple fact that i will be in their area. And i have heard only good things about them along with VAST. Also when people reffer to different files they are talking about different tunes correct?
APR, you can cycle through their tunes with the cruise control. i dont know of another tuner that you can do that with. someone else said VAST a while ago. maybe you can with them.
seriously, though, i hope its not convenience that you are choosing a tuner. im sure EPL or VAST could get you a tune that would be better than an APR off the shelf 15* of timing on a 93 octane tune or a 21* of timing on a 100 octane tune. but... i do know that EPL can get you a number of tunes, you just have to hook up your laptop and spend 3 minutes of your time to switch them over. believe me, i loved when i could do that with my APR tune, it was cool, and i could show all the girls the difference and coolness.. but. . ... get in this car. .. love it.. dont go with the "cool, gimickieness" of something like that. tune with a good, solid, concrete tuner, that will give you the most out of your car that you could expect. and ever want. thats it.
i remember when i first started going stage 3, and i was like, " i want the tuner that can get my boost to show up in the information pixel area, you know, where the gas mileage and such shows up".. and really , is that important?? no.. its just cool as hell..
and i can always switch over to a ms109 file if i want to spend a few minutes, or back to a 93 file, or im sure, i could ask Tony for a 12psi program, and could have that at the touch of my hand.. lil better than stock..