Doing a ton of work with the engine out, and some of it involved removing the timing belt. I've done the TB change in the past and didn't have any timing issues - this is without the locking bar. I marked some teeth on the belt and their corresponding teeth on the cams. In the process, my cams jumped a few times, but I have the belt back in. I manually turned them a few times to keep them aligned. The marks on the belt are one step back from the marks on the cams (on every single mark) which suggests to me that the belt is on fine. I turned the harmonic balancer a few times and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.
What would happen if my timing was fucked and I turned it? Would there be a noticeable clank from the piston hitting the valve or anything like that? Basically, I'm just trying to make sure my engine doesn't grenade once I get it back in. Manually giving it a few turns would be enough to verify the timing, right?