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    Active Member One Ring
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    Exclamation B7 Key on B6 (How to Complete & Program)

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    Hi Team,

    My B7 Key from Ebay is now fully functional & programmed. I know a lot of you are interested in HOW you can do this. Full list will be below:

    What We Need

    1.) Your SKC (Secret Key Code) which can be obtained from THIS or THIS. I emailed them and they sent me an Ebay link to purchase.
    * I recommend the 2nd link as it can do more but I did this procedure using the first link (Vag Key Login)

    2.) Registered version of Vag Com. I used this to get the electronic lock/unlock functions working as no process worked for me otherwise.

    3.) A B7 Key! I found mine HERE
    * After taking my key apart I found mine was a "8Z0 837 231F" which exactly matched the ebay key.

    Voila Now you have everything you need to get you B7 Key fully functional on your B6 Car!!

    But What Steps Are Needed

    1.) Purchase the Ebay Key and line up a locksmith for cut (These blades are not steel! They are copper like material and any locksmith should not be scared to cut them. Get the locksmith to use a magnet up to the blade to prove it, it will not attract)

    2.) With your Vag Key Login - Read your ECU to get your SKC code - Adapt your new B7 key to your car. Instructions below:

    Must Adapt One Key @ A Time And Have All Keys Present.
    Key must be turned to Auxiliary but vehicle not started.
    Vag Key Login must be plugged in to car.

    1.) Run Login Detector Software (comes with the 'vag key login')
    2.) Under Login Tab - Select ECU Gasoline to Read Pin
    3.) With Pin Read - Select "Key Adaptation" Tab
    4.) "Dashboard" should be selected - Hit GO
    5.) Pin should be displayed - hit LOGIN
    6.) Number of keys programmed will be shown across from "old keys"
    7.) This is where we need all keys - Select new key "1" - hit Test, wait 20 seconds then pull out key/turn off car
    8.) Put in Key # 2 with program left open - hit "GO" under dashboard again.
    9.) Login and select "new key 2" - hit test, wait 20 seconds then pull out key/turn off car

    Repeat last few steps for each additional key, never start the car and pull out last key before disconnecting vag cable.


    3.) Keymatch your remote using Vag Com (This was the only way I got my electronic lock/unlock to work) Props to derleicaman for these steps below:

    Start Vag-Com
    Choose [46 - Comfort System]
    [Adaptation - 10]
    Go to channel 021.
    * Choose the memory position you want the new key be matched on by entering it's number (e.g. "3" for memory positon 3).
    * Now press any button on the remote you want to match.
    * The meas. block field above will change from Not Recogn. to Recognized.

    Your Done

    Note: You can check the current memory positions using Meas. Block 007.

    They new key has been cut, you used the Vag Key Login to adapt the key to your unique SKC so the immobilizer accepts it, and you programmed the key's electronic features using the vag com so you can still unlock/lock/trunk/panic the car from a distance. Congratulations, your a pimp... a pimp with a B7 Key!

    Total Cost was: Key ($80) Cut Key ($30) VagKeyLogin ($150) = Total Cost $260 but I aready made $120 doing this for others ;) Steeler wanted $350 for factory B6 Key and would not allow a B7 Key to be ordered ("It is impossible" he says).

    I hope this helps anyone looking to do this, any feedback is appreciated.
    Last edited by TrooSyreen; 10-17-2010 at 09:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Active Member Two Rings henriquevr's Avatar
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    Good to know.
    Thanks for the post!!!

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings PDX04a4's Avatar
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    wow, awesome. i'll definitely look into doing this, i avoid the dealer like the freaking plague and i have been putting off going and getting a new key for some time now. i wonder if this will work with the cheaper ebay keys (there are some for like 30 bucks instead of the $80 you bought).
    Thanks for the EFF shack. -Dirty Mike and the Boyz

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by PDX04a4 View Post
    wow, awesome. i'll definitely look into doing this, i avoid the dealer like the freaking plague and i have been putting off going and getting a new key for some time now. i wonder if this will work with the cheaper ebay keys (there are some for like 30 bucks instead of the $80 you bought).
    The key I bought is the new model designed for our B6 cars. The guts (electronics) and setting are designed to match our factory ones. I believe the ones for $30 are designed for actual B7 cars and are not compatible with our B6's. Provide a link if I am wrong but I remember seeing those when I bought mine but they would not work with the B6.

  5. #5
    Established Member Two Rings Allhailpoptart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PDX04a4 View Post
    wow, awesome. i'll definitely look into doing this, i avoid the dealer like the freaking plague and i have been putting off going and getting a new key for some time now. i wonder if this will work with the cheaper ebay keys (there are some for like 30 bucks instead of the $80 you bought).
    The cheaper keys are actual (typically used) B7 keys as noted above. They also require opening them up to take out the old transponder chip which you then need to replace with one that you purchased elsewhere. $80 seems to buy you one key, ready to go be cut and programmed which isn't a bad deal considering how much of a pain people found this mod to be in the past matching up part numbers and waiting on shipping for all the parts.

    That key looks like it takes all the guesswork out of the key portion of this mod. At the very least that VagKeyLogin dongle can save you money in the long run if you're prone to losing keys. Or as the OP said you can make some money doing it for interested locals.

    Thanks for the writeup
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    Veteran Member Four Rings PDX04a4's Avatar
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    thanks for the heads up on the B7 keys, i forgot that you actually have to pull the key apart and remove/change parts. i'd read the other key swap DIY's and this definitely seems like the easiest way to go. i just need to find a locksmith around here that is willing to cut the audi keys. the dealer wants like $120 for the key programming which is fucking outrageous, so buying the dongle would actually be a wash and i'm sure there are plenty of audi enthusiasts that wouldnt mind an extra key and paying a small fee for someone to do the programming for them. hell, maybe ill corner the portland key programming market and shut down the overlord lone audi dealer in portland (although a second dealer is opening up later this month for some competition finally).

    my only key is starting to look like shite and im always afraid of losing it and being screwed. i'll definitely do this once i can find a key cutter to do the key.
    Thanks for the EFF shack. -Dirty Mike and the Boyz

  7. #7
    Veteran Member Four Rings kwimberly's Avatar
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    I think swapping the guts from a B6 fob to a B7 fob is the easiest way to go, but those are good instructions for the other way. Seems like you'd almost have to charge a few people to do theirs in order to justify the expense of going this route. I paid less than 50 bucks total to do my swap.
    Kevin W.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwimberly View Post
    I think swapping the guts from a B6 fob to a B7 fob is the easiest way to go, but those are good instructions for the other way. Seems like you'd almost have to charge a few people to do theirs in order to justify the expense of going this route. I paid less than 50 bucks total to do my swap.
    Thats pretty solid.

    I justified the expense my comparing the stealer wanting $350 and my research costing me $260. The money u can make is a little bonus :) I was weary of swapping the guts as buttons arent in the exact same spot (Panic button especially) and they key blade is actually smaller on the B7 than the B6 so a straight swap from the B6 blade wont allow your key to "switchblade close". As you stated there is obviously way to do this but I didnt explore this route. I like being able to mod my own as well as others though which is why I have the vag com software on my lap top as well, my city told me it was impossible to get a SKC code (even the dealer, who's system only copies the SKC from one key to another and actually doesn't provide them with the code) so I wanted to be the one to have kijiji posts and help others who think things like this dont exist.

    It definitely is not the only option out there for our mods but if it can help anyone here at audizine out, then i did my job :)
    Last edited by TrooSyreen; 10-15-2010 at 11:37 PM.

  9. #9
    Veteran Member Three Rings pape's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwimberly View Post
    I think swapping the guts from a B6 fob to a B7 fob is the easiest way to go, but those are good instructions for the other way. Seems like you'd almost have to charge a few people to do theirs in order to justify the expense of going this route. I paid less than 50 bucks total to do my swap.
    is it posible to take the insides of the b6 lock unlock trunk and panic buttons and plant them inside the b7 fob? this way you dont have to get the car to recognize the remote butons

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by pape View Post
    is it posible to take the insides of the b6 lock unlock trunk and panic buttons and plant them inside the b7 fob? this way you dont have to get the car to recognize the remote butons
    Nope, different shape of the ECU board and different positioning of the buttons. Maybe if you could somehow mod the board it would work but just trying to move the B6 electronics into the B7 wouldn't fly. Transferring the immobilizer chip would work though but this would only allow you to start the car (assuming the key was cut). But the electronics would still not work.


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