So like most of you probably know. I did my tranny swap.
But since i was there, I was looking to transform my engine to a 3L. Sherif had 2.8L heads and Guru had the crank at that time.
Sudenly, Guruman told me that his engine was for sale. After thinking for a while, i took the decision. I bought Dom's engine.
Not because i don't want nor i can't do the job ( I' ve been working for Cummins engine since the begining of 96.) I' ve probably rebuild more engines than any tuners around here. But the idea behind buying Guru's engine is to save some time. Especially when you have a familly and a wife that was starting to get pissed of because i'm always in garage.
After all. After seen Guru's engine which is well documented in here AZ, I knew at this time that i couldn't go wrong.
Now after spending soooo much money on the car i thought that i could keep the turbos that i had and save for next year or two years to swap for
bigger turbos. So i decide to tune the turbos i have which flows 28lbs min and take a guess for next two years.
Guess what happened....... The right turbo blown on the dyno. It was like powsssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh. And in my head i was like FFFUUUUCCCKKKKK.
So long story short, the dyno is 21/2 hours drive from home. I had to go back home buy bus, and anounce this to the wife. Yes she was happy.
But i do have a good girl though.
At that time i figured that it was not worth to tow the car for that long distance, and decide that ROMBOTISS would do the job. He's one of the most
knowledge man with Porsche and Audi. This guy makes good, powerfull cars.
Here's a couple of pictures of my job and Mikes Jobs.
Mikes is working really fast by the way.
At Rombotiss shop.
A shot of my blowned turbo beside my new tial 770r