Hi Tahoe S4
Over the past 8 years we have tried all the brands/styles of snows, and for our area (Tahoe/Truckee) we have been using the Michelin Alpine AP3s. on our allroads. they are quiet, and give all around good grip in the type of conditions we have here. (as you know we can go from wet to slush to cold dry pack to grader pac ice) all in a couple of miles. It's good to see that you have decided not to go with studs, our roads are in a shambles as it is, and after a few drives they start to kick out studs and through off the balance, the noise on wet/dry is a pain to the ears,and face it with all the sand that they dump on the roads (Nev. using less then in Ca) we just don't have the kind of conditions that make them a must have, driving with some common sense you'll do just fine with your choice.