I'll try and keep this short, all the details.
Check engine light came on close to home. Pull in driveway, revs are bouncing. Stopped the car and it's idling at a stand-still and check engine begins to flash. Pull the codes: p0171, p0300, p0301, p0302, p0507. Loud hissing noise coming from behind the intake manifold at the back of the engine bay. Since it's a Cylinder 1/2 misfire only, I went ahead & swapped both of them out with new coilpacks, obviously no difference. Being only a misfire on 1/2 I assume it's a "point" vac leak, and not multiple. Went ahead and removed MAF, that's not it. Also later tonight, started it up and slowly revved. Everything calmed down at 1500rpm/above and check engine light went back to constant rather then flashing. Anyone have any ideas because this car is not drive-able.
To top it all off, inner CV boot on drivers side front completelty seperated slinging grease all over (whata' coincidence). When it rains, it pours. Thanks for any help guys, I appreciate it!