Car is stock except APR programming, TT225 injectors, and 007 DV w/ yellow spring, Tiptronic.
Im getting:
P1127 Long Term Fuel Trim mult.,Bank1 System too Rich - Check Engine Light
Ive attempted boost leak and found rip on the TIP so i replaced it with Forge TIP. As I was installing new inlet pipe I managed to break N75, so I had that replaced.
Another boost leak test revealed faulty suction jet pump, replaced that as well.
I have cleaned throttle body and MAF.
3 way check valve was replaced.
PCV w/ check valve assembly was replaced.
After doing all of the above I still get the same code.
I've confirmed with APR, they burnt the WRONG PROGRAM. I spend 4 hours having it flashed at H2o. On my invoice it clearly says Stage 1+.
Temporarily I'm running oem injectors until apr schedules to have my ecu reflashed, no code and trims stay at -0.8/-0.9 (idle/partial).