What You'll NEED: About 60-90 mins of work
- (2) 1.5 Liters of Coolant make sure its from Audi G12 or G12+ (12.95 ea from EuropaParts)
- Distilled water (2 Gal. $1 ea)
- Coolant Tank (EuropaParts 19.95)
- Two Clamps ( (1) 12-33mm (1) 5mm Clamp) About .50 ea.
- Flat head and screwdriver
- Large Bucket
- Rag
- container
- Ramps
- 6 PK of CORONA for the DOWN TIME

Grab a spare Gallon around the House and empty the whole 1.5L of coolant you have into the gallon. uncap the gallon of Distilled water and fill the 1.5L of coolant bottle with water after that poor that into the Gallon with coolant in it so you have a 50/50 mixture of coolant and water. Now we take the work Outside
Drive your car onto the ramp so you can have your car elevated for Later.
First thing you have to do is take your screwdriver and unscrew the screw on top of the coolant to the lower left.
Push the tank forward and pop the reservoir off the the back hinges.

Now that you have a lot of play with the tank unplug the sensor under the tank.

There are two hoses clamped on with One time clamps on the Tank. Take both of them off and one by one feed them into a container because there will be coolant flowing out of them. Remember theses are one time clamps so you wont be able to re-use them again. Pry a Flat head under the clamp and Pry it off, Do this carefully you don't want to puncture a hole into the Hose.

Now that you have the old coolant tank off replace it with the New one by plugging the Hoses/sensor/screw back into place.

Once everything is back in place start Heating up some water to a boil.

Leave the cap off the Reservoir and go locate the Drain plug right by the alternator ITS ON THE DRIVER SIDE. There's a latch and a senor hooked onto a hose. Take off the Coolant Sensor Retaining Clip and take out the senor and watch the GUNK flow out of the Vehicle.

Once it has stopped flowing into the bucket, plug back the sensor securely and fill the tank up with the water to MAX...Cap it and turn the car ON put them TEMP. to HIGH and fan on LOW. wait till Hot Air blows from the vents ....this may take a couple mins. so have a Corona in between.
Once the vents are blowing Hot air stop Engine and DRAIN AGAIN. Do this about 4-5 Times until the water is DILUTED (CLEAR).
Secure the Sensor and Coolant Sensor Retaining Clip back on the Hose and drop the car from the Ramps.
After draining the vehicle for the fourth or fifth time there should be at least a Gallon of water still in the system take the 1.5L of coolant bottle that you didn't open and poor it into the reservoir, followed by the 50/50 mixture to MAX. You may not use all of it so save it for later. Turn the car on and repeat porcess witht he Heat let the car warm up and voila COOLANT FLUSH.....

Make sure its not overheating and your good to go, drive it for a bit around the block park it let it run if it needs more coolant top it off as needed.
Dispose of the GUNK (Coolant) Properly
