The JHM Intake Spacer Mod is a very nice DIY mod that should take about a couple hours while taking your time...
Jason includes a nice DVD tutorial that guides you step-by-step (almost to the point of being anal but that's good) to what it takes to do the install.
Everything is very straight forward...
The only biatch (because of limited space) is releasing the electrical connectors (3 are pretty easy and 1 is what to you say "mothaphuker" everytime you can't get it).
One observation is that when you pull the intake, it appears that the dealer who does my service interval oil changes is sloppy. Oil of been sloppily dripped down over the oil filter receptacle as I see it being easily done, if not careful. It's all good now (I do them now) as its dryed up and just caked on.
No worries, just some clean up action needs to take place.
Well anyways, like I said the Intake Spacer install is pretty straight forward.
BTW, Thanks for all the replies to my Poll regarding "What color should I paint my Intake Manifold?"...
After deep contemplation, I decided to go against the masses and paint the manifold another way.
I seriously thought about the Reddish (Coilpack Color) as it would match pretty well but I was too scared as it may look to "Blingy" for my taste.
I do however really like the Flat Black Color and also the OEM Silver/Engine Color.
I decided for both but wanted to add a little sheen to the mix.
The color(s), Semi-Gloss Black & the OEM Engine Silver w/a ClearCoat.
Cleaned and scrubbed w/Automotive Paint Prep that degreases and cleans
Used the Dupi-Color Engine Enamel with the following coats:
(2) - Primer
(3) - Paint
(2) - ClearCoat
Disassembling the complete Intake Assembly prolly added another 20 minutes and 10 minutes to put back together. Real easy though.
Also had an opportunity to really clean out the throttle body and other components of the intake. Kinda caked up w/soot & grime.
Blue taping was time consuming but really this is where the Bread/Butter is.
I took my time to get the lines perfect and w/a new blade in the utility knife, carved out the Blue Tape in the curved areas.
I made sure to protect & tape the injector ports as those ports should not have any paint whatsever in them.
With a clean glove, ran my index finger on all the blue tape to make sure all was snug & tight.
Well here's how it turned out.
Oh I almost forgot, I also did the JHM Heater-Bypass Mod.
Jason is right, this is truly a 5 minute Mod.
Very Easy.
I just gotta remember to undo it October.
Sorry for the blur pics on this one.
These are the orange plugs supplied by JHM for the throttle body "warm-up" as it is not needed for summer.
Then basically the coolant hoses that attach here are connected together.
Intake Manifold Installed.
BTW, anybody "I-Spy" my new Oil Cap :)
Audi OEM R8 Oil Cap for some added $100k bling.
I like how it turned out a ton.
Whatcha think?