So two times now after going WOT in 1st(no launch) and shifting to continue WOT in 2nd, a flashing TC light briefly appears after the shift from 1st to 2nd. Both times I have needed to accelerate quickly into traffic since I usually don't otherwise go WOT in 1st, and the first time the car actually jolted and lost power like I dropped the clutch as if it went into limp mode. It returned to normal after I let off the gas and the TC light went away. The second time I saw the TC flash after shifting but I didn't feel a loss of power, however I thought I noticed a higher pitched whine from the turbo.
The obvious answer would be that I somehow broke traction on the quick shift from 1st to 2nd but I doubt that's the case since I'm only running 15psi. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Mods in my sig, Clutch is Southbend Stg 3. Could this be related to slop from the stock motor or tranny mounts?