The Story... So I went to my buds place to chill tonight and drink some beer. I got there around 10:00, turned off my Ipod tucked my wallet under my seat ( I was wearing sweat pants) and went inside. Came out 2 hours later and my car had been raped. After calling the cops and the credit card people a neighbor came out to tell me of a ****** snooping around my car, but running off when he came outside.(that was about 10:45). So at 12:00 I came out to discover my Ipod and wallet was gone, thank god they didn't take my books. Anyway no more damage was done then just the window being smash and my stuff taken away.
BTW while I was typing this the cop called me to say a guy matching the neighbor's clothing description was pulled over. He had some Ipods but none that where mine since I have my name on the back of mine. I am supposed to get a call back in about 30 min, I hope they got the ass wipe.
And screw Audi's alarm system, my car was only 15' from the apartment I was it and I did not here a thing....(no I was not drunk nor was there loud music)