hey Winston good luck with the sale.. I have the sline trim so I guess this set won't work perfectly for me either..
but bump for Winston and Podi, I have their stepper motor gauge and skidplate, both very good products good luck with the sale.
If you want a set of trim and are willing to send in your trim first let me know and we'll work something out.
I love having all my products in someones car
sorry for the dumb question, but are you basically saying that if we send you our trim prior to you sending out the new CF trim to us we will pay $620 but get a refund of $450 so we will only end up paying $170 or am i getting way ahead of myself?
If you send us your trim pieces first you get a $50 credit.
Price of the trim is $620 - $50 = $570 which will be the final price paid.
The core exchange fee is if you want us to send the carbon fiber trim to you first. To make sure you send us a set of trim back we charge a $400 core fee.
Price of trim is $620 + $400 core exchange fee = $1020 paid in advance.
We send you the trim and you install it. When you send your old trim back to us and we receive it, then we refund you the $400.
The price of the trim in the end is $620.
I hope that clarifies the core exchange fee.
how much for the steering wheel stuff??
Price to do the work? $600