So, out of nowhere this evening, while driving home my car starts running like crap. Driving to work and around at lunch was fine. No indicators of what was to follow a few hours later.
The car can't keep a steady idle. There's a constant revving of the RPMs, about 4 times a second. But only an increase of maybe 100-200 RPMs.
The CEL came on after a minute of this happening and flashes steadily for a few minutes and then will stop for a couple of seconds. Then the CEL resumes flashing again. Sitting at the light in rush hour traffic I get the wonderful smell of rotten eggs.
So I'm thinking the o2 sensor is throwing the CEL because of a bad catalytic converter? The car will make maybe 5lbs of boost, but there is next to no acceleration. I'm guessing the car is running in limp mode?
I'm definitely not the most mechanically oriented person, but I'm hoping I'm diagnosing this correctly. Let me know if this is likely or not. The car just hit 80k miles and is due for an oil change. Probably useless info to post, but who knows...Also, the car is a Tiptronic.
Thanks in advance for the replies.