On my quest to find a cheap car cover for the girlfriends car while it sits in the driveway and i rebuild its jalopy transmission I stumbled across hinge-less wipers for $4 each at "Bianca Amor's discount supercenter" no word of a lie thats its name, its in the old freeway Chrysler building in Guildford at 154th and 104 ave right across from freeway Mazda.
Anyway, my wipers suck recently, saw these for $4 each and figured even if they aren't as good i'm only out $8 so i got some and I'm actually quite impressed, really clean wipes and they are quiet, haven't tried them out on the freeway to see if they chatter but i doubt they will. Another nice thing i noticed is they don't advertize them as being 22" when measured turn out to be 19" long. funny thing is they only have them in even sizes and i needed a 21" so i got the 20" wiper and its actually the exact same size as my 21" triaco wiper i had before.
so if your looking for cheap wipers for anything, spend the $8 and you'll never regret it.