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  1. #1
    Active Member One Ring 97RedA4's Avatar
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    1997 Laser Red A4 2.8
    Boulder, CO

    New to Audizine: 1997 A4 5MT 2.8 Laser Red (A couple of issues so far!)

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    Hey all. Just picked up a 97 A4 5mt 2.8 with 137,000 miles on it.

    The car was owned by one person its entire life and was well maintained. It had all of its service done at a local Audi dealer, and then after the warranty, the car was rigorously maintained by the owner, a lot of work he did himself, and he has a huge file of all the receipts and all the paperwork for all the stuff that has been done. The paint was maintained with "bi-annual" hand details and it looks great, just a few typical dings of a higher mileage car.

    Overall I'm satisfied. I am not modding, just using it as a commuter and car to go to and from the mountains here in Colorado.

    Couple of issues.

    First, the odometer is flashing "ln 1". I searched and found that is code for - service required. Question is, is that worth investigating, or is it no point to it once the car has passed warranty (as I read over at Audiworld)

    Second. The interior fan seems to start on its own. If I shut it off and then shut the car off, the next time I start the car it will be on in some way or another. Is this normal for this car, is this a code?

    My family has had a few audis, in fact my brother 02a4turbo, was the one who ran this car by a few people on here before I purchased.

    Also, it is on the original clutch, but as far as I can tell it still feels good. I have only driven two Subie WRXs before this, so the clutch feels immensley differrent. Just IMO less precise and not as heavy as the WRX. Not a knock on the Audi, just an observation. Also, are these A4s, specifically 2.8s, normal for it to have to be revved a little higher as your letting off the clutch to get it going with out bogging. That is how I would describe the clutch. I have driven my brother's 06 and vaguely remember the same sort of concept with that, so perhaps its an Audi thing.

    Other than that, the first 30 miles i have driven it have been amazing! Loving it and am looking forward to continuing to give it some love and TLC.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Two Rings zephyr125's Avatar
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    Re: New to Audizine: 1997 A4 5MT 2.8 Laser Red (A couple of issues so far!)

    Sweet another laser red 2.8 with 137,xxx miles . Post some pics!

  3. #3
    Active Member One Ring 97RedA4's Avatar
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    Jan 21 2009
    AZ Member #
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    1997 Laser Red A4 2.8
    Boulder, CO

    Re: New to Audizine: 1997 A4 5MT 2.8 Laser Red (A couple of issues so far!)

    I took some pics. But then realize I have a major case of the shakes, and just am a terrible photographer. Some to come soon!

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings lowandslow4now's Avatar
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    Re: New to Audizine: 1997 A4 5MT 2.8 Laser Red (A couple of issues so far!)

    Welcome the "IN 1" is just the service reminder its nothing to worry about and the climate control automatically coming on is also normal I also have a laser red 97 and it does the same thing. The clutch I am not sure about it so I really cant help you there. Alos post pics when you can.
    Now 2001 B5 S4
    Former B5 A4, 034 Stage 3 BT, Unitronics,H&R,etc,etc


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