Hey all. Just picked up a 97 A4 5mt 2.8 with 137,000 miles on it.
The car was owned by one person its entire life and was well maintained. It had all of its service done at a local Audi dealer, and then after the warranty, the car was rigorously maintained by the owner, a lot of work he did himself, and he has a huge file of all the receipts and all the paperwork for all the stuff that has been done. The paint was maintained with "bi-annual" hand details and it looks great, just a few typical dings of a higher mileage car.
Overall I'm satisfied. I am not modding, just using it as a commuter and car to go to and from the mountains here in Colorado.
Couple of issues.
First, the odometer is flashing "ln 1". I searched and found that is code for - service required. Question is, is that worth investigating, or is it no point to it once the car has passed warranty (as I read over at Audiworld)
Second. The interior fan seems to start on its own. If I shut it off and then shut the car off, the next time I start the car it will be on in some way or another. Is this normal for this car, is this a code?
My family has had a few audis, in fact my brother 02a4turbo, was the one who ran this car by a few people on here before I purchased.
Also, it is on the original clutch, but as far as I can tell it still feels good. I have only driven two Subie WRXs before this, so the clutch feels immensley differrent. Just IMO less precise and not as heavy as the WRX. Not a knock on the Audi, just an observation. Also, are these A4s, specifically 2.8s, normal for it to have to be revved a little higher as your letting off the clutch to get it going with out bogging. That is how I would describe the clutch. I have driven my brother's 06 and vaguely remember the same sort of concept with that, so perhaps its an Audi thing.
Other than that, the first 30 miles i have driven it have been amazing! Loving it and am looking forward to continuing to give it some love and TLC.