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Took my a4 in for the second time to try and figure out what's going on with the car.
Service manager called today and said our transmissions have some sort of economy saving routine they go through. Seems if you are decelerating the trans will go from drive to neutral. When you step on the gas, it will shift from N back into Drive and it can happen seemlessly OR it can take up to 2 seconds.
I get alot of the 2 second transitions. I've bout been mowed down twice. Pull out in the road and it just sits there.
Anyone else expierencing this? Dealer says no way to disable it at this time.
2 second delay after you press the accelerator, is "normal"?
I call that DANGEROUS. So, if you are decelerating towards an intersection where you don't need to come to a complete stop, for instance, and for some reason you need to accel NOW, the trans can take "up to 2 seconds" to actually accelerate?
No way. I don't believe that for a second. Something is wrong.
Kickdown algorithm is off or somethings wrong with internal fluid pressure, which could be bad valves, sticky valves, etc... It's dangerous what you are describing and what you dealer claims to be "normal".
Have you checked the fluid level just to make sure?
Look for low level, very dark fluid, burned smell, gritty feel.
And, have an independent trans shop look at is as well, or better yet go to a REAL Euro auto repair center and have them take a look.