Pretty sure it's the dohicky behind the thingamabob.
I've heard it refered to by my Bosnian friends as the "half moon seal" I think a few on this board called it as "Cam plugs".
Dunno exactly what it is or what it does but when I had my valve cover gaskets done a month or so ago I was informed that they weren't actually leaking but it was this thing. Feeling kind of dumb for not asking exactly what it was. I took it by the shop today but they were backed up with work so I'm going to bring it by on Sat for them to take a look and see if they can fix it right then or have to order parts.
Man I'm looking forward to tax time so I can trade in for a 1.8t. I had been thinking about an S4 but from what I can gather on the internets the 2.8 and the 2.7tt are leaky beasts of all sorts of fluid. Not sure if there is any truth to that but it sure lines up with my short experience with my 2.8.
Not really asking for advice, I'm sure the shop will take care of me just saying GRRR!
