Okay guys I have this strange smell that comes out of my heater vents into the cabin. It seems to have started when it got colder and when I started using the heater. It smells like burning rubber, however it isn't constant. It only happens after the car has sat for a while.
Its hard to describe so I'll just give a scenario. Okay so lets say the car has sat overnight and the next morning I get in, start her up and drive away. I drive for enough time so its close to fully warm and the temp needle is close to halfway. When I make my first complete stop at this time, say at a red light, this is when the smell starts to come in. It can be pretty strong too sometimes. I then start to drive again the smell dissipates and never comes back for the rest of the drive.
Now I've searched and found another thread that seems like the same problem but the problem was never solved or diagnosed. Now I know I gotta do a bit more testing in terms to how long the car sits to how strong the smell is and to just paying attention to all the small details.
I've also popped the hood as when the smell was coming through the vents and it seems to come from around the area of the firewall/rear of engine. But I haven't had the time to investigate with working full time, school full time and it being colder then a witch's tit in a brass cup here in jersey lately ha
I'm pretty stumped as to what it could be maybe someone can shed some light? Sorry for the long post too, wanted to be as descriptive as I could haha