How does one go about tuning the car yourself. I have got as far as figuring out that I can use WINOLS to access the maps that are in the mototronic ecu..
But there's like 136 of them or so...I could figure out which map controls what, but honestly, there are so many maps, I wouldn't know how much I would have to change on each map, or other maps effected by those changes.
How did EPL, ASP , AWE etc. figure all this out? Did they use the Rs4 data maps to then figure out which variables were changed and then go from there?
I've met a few of them, and these guys are normal people, I don't think any of them are software engineers, nor have they taken classes about the BOsch Mototronic...( Correct me if Im wrong, maybe they did?). I am not implying they are not smart, in fact I think they are all smart people, but if they can figure it out, can't we?
I could tune a car myself in the past with a power fc...but man, this is a whole nother hairy thing.
I really wish ASP would sell us their propietary tuning software. I have seen them use it, and I don't really know anything about it, but from what i've seen , it looks like some custom made software the manipulates the necessary maps on the Me7 via simplified controls.
I think that there needs to be a breakthrough, in either knowledge or a program that allows the average shmuck to tune this car. I don't like being at the mercy of a 'tuner' for simple data values that we do not know. Why isn't this knowledge shared? I don't want to hear anything about, oh well they went through all the expenses of developing a tune etc.. that's fine, Im not asking for anyone's free tune, they developed their own recipe, a certain configuration of data values that work well for a ko4 or what have you, then thats fine, they are entitled to charge what they will for that recipe they have made...
BUt I am contending about a point that is apart from that, Im saying where is the knowledge about our ECU's in general? Why is their no sticky on which maps to change and how to change it? I know there is a program online that we can use to access our mototronic, and change the values, but which maps do I change etc? WINOLS accesses the maps but doesn't tell me what the map is for.. we need to know all the maps and the values that need to be changed according to what conditions etc. These are numbers that we need to learn!
there are many smart people here, and I think the time has come to figure this stuff out. Can anyone lead me in the right direction? Thanks!