hey I just took mine last weekend. Your ticket should have come in a pamplet with and somewhere on that pamplet it has instructions on how and where to sign up for the defensive driving class.
I took mine here:
It wasn't cheap, I think they charge you whatever the price of the ticket was + a little more to cover the course fees. Mine came out to $174! But mine was an accident and I was cited for failure to yield on left turn, so I dunno what the fine is for a stop sign ticket...
MOST IMPORTANT PART: You must complete the test 7 days before your court date. If you don't make that cutoff, there is no point in taking it, you are just throwing your money away. If it happened in Scottsdale, call the DDCAZ and see if they can push your court date back for you. They pushed mine back over a month from the original date, apparently Scottsdale doesn't have anything better to do so they have tons of open court dates - my court date was like 2 weeks after my accident and there would have been no one I could have completed the course in time...
The online course was easy but boring, you have to pay attention to all 4 hours of it because they show images in a random order and you have to go into the DDCAZ office and take a brief 15 minute test to confirm which pictures you saw so they can verify you actually took it. Still, the test is easy and most of it is pretty common sense. I've heard the in-person class is brutal and usually you can only get in to the 7 am Saturday slot.
Where'd u get your ticket? I got mine in N. Scottsdale, the DDCAZ office is in West / Central Phoenix, so its a little out of the way...