Originally Posted by
i understand how people are against it, but then i would ask you the question of why these cars use a disk at all.... why cant you just go to an audi dealer i already have the 2500 dollar system in my car that means it should work.... i promise you i will never pay 200 dollars for a disk when i can buy a completely new garmin or what ever for the same price. if you have the audi navigation... it should work if not they should make it work for you and if you lose your disk you should be able to go to the dealer and pay the price of a blank dvd disk which is about a 200th of the price of what they ask for.
If Audi provided all the map data then yes. However, they don't. Navteq provides all the map data which means they have the right to charge for it. How else would Navteq stay in business? Also, would you rather have Audi allocate millions of dollars in creating that map that could have gone towards R&D for our cars?
Also, your logic is flawed when you state how much it costs for the car and Nav. system. If it costs all this money, then 200 bones should be nothing to you.
/soap box.
Good luck.