Originally Posted by
MAP sensor is already in. I keep an eye on all other things first and foremost through vag before vag boost readings anyway. Good thing it's cold out cause this thing is gonna blow a lot of hot air boosting over 30psi. I'll most likely keep it at ~25psi for daily driving. Gonna have to keep my ebc connected as a boost gauge cause my AWE center vent gauge only goes up to 25psi. Need to replace that with one that goes up to 35 or 40.
Right on. I forgot you received everything already.
Put the OE vent back in. Send me your rear view mirror and I'll put a digital gauge in it.

Originally Posted by
so whats the point of a boost controller,if you can turn up the boost just on the wastegate, so say i got a turbo and i dont wana waste money on a boost controller or a chip to raise up the boost, so i just play with the wastegate to get more boost, im confused?
You still need a 'boost controller' albeit EBC, MBC or N75. This 'mod' just increases where the wastegate opens thus allowing one to run higher levels of boost with more control through some form of boost controller. The one thing not specifically mentioned in the original post is that Jordan will be running the EuroCode fueling kit that Greg (400hpa4) helped work the kinks out with on his car. This 'kit' allows one to run higher levels of boost off the N75 and still keep ME7.5 within the load-controlled fuel/boost/timing/etc maps at 30+psi. I, on the other hand, have had all my maps reworked via a separate tuner to run higher levels of boost (which I already have been doing with the N75).
One is treading thin ice if this is attempted with a stock block (internal-wise). Jordan, the OP, has a fully built (forged internals) motor as do I.
One should also log the car religiously if doing this (as stated in the disclaimer) for this is not something the average-Joe should be attempting. Serious damage can result if attention is not closely paid.