So I am driving to work today in this wonderful snow trying to go slow to be safe because it is icy out and people dont know how to drive in the snow. I could have easily put the pedal to the floor and have been weaving in and out but its not worth it. I get on Seaford-OysterBay Expressway today and some lady in her SUV thinks she has the right away and tries to come over in my lane while im right next to her. She finally realizes im not letting her in and starts waving her hands and yelling. What did she want me to do slam on my brakes cause a pile up probably slide into another car just cause she was in a rush

. So I finally get onto Robbins Ln and make my way onto Aerial Way where my office is. This idiot come out of the parking lot where our old office use to be and pulls right in front of me and does like 15mph and hits the brakes. So I hit the brakes lay on the horn and he looks up in his mirror like um what happened. I almost slide into the damn curb and mailbox because of this..he goes to pull into my parking lot and asked me what happened..wasnt even worth it to respond to him.
Ok sorry for the long post. Be safe out there today the roads suck!!