To begin with. I am experienced with the B5 2.8L (Passat). I do all my own maintenance.
This past summer I bought a used 3.0L B6 Avant, 6spd. LOVE the car and got a super deal on it.
Saturday I did the Timing Belt. Everything went fine. Did timing and waterpump, rollers and tensioners. Took about 8 hours start to finish.
The heat works great. I bled the system down correctly.
The car ran for about 3 hours with no issues since thren. The needle on the temp gauge is dead center. The car runs perfectly.
Why I'm writing? I had to go to the store for beer and ice cream. The car had been sitting cold all day. I started it up to go. After about a mile of going 40mph I passed the speed limit sign and got into it. At 75 the CEL came on.
Plugged in the trusty lap top and these are my codes:
19497/P3041 - Powertrain Databus: Implausible Engine Temp. Message from Inst. Panel
16805/P0421 - Warm Up Catalyst; Bank 1: Efficiency Below Threshold
16815/P0431 - Warm Up Catalyst; Bank 2: Efficiency Below Threshold
16409/P0025 - Can't find this code anywhere
Obviously it failed for readiness on numerous monitors. (ox heating, ox sensors, SAIP, EVAP, CAT)
I cleared the codes and put the car to bed for the night. I got up and came to work this morning and the CEL did not come back on. I drove it conservatively...
It should be noted that last week I thumped the underbelly pretty hard on some ice leaving the drive way. I may have smacked the flex bellows.
Long and short... the FIRST code is the one that I'm concerned about. Given that I recently had the whole clip off the car I'm thinking I may have a loose connection. I do not have a Bentley for this car so I'm not positive which connections I should be looking at. The only ones I could check in the cold and dark last night were the connections for the fan. They are fine.
I guess I'm hoping that someone with better knowledge of the 3.0L can point me in the direction of which connectors to check (hopefully without pulling the clip again). I will entertain the notion that the CTS is bad but I need check the appropriate connectors first. I may also have an exhuat problem but I would expect that all these codes stem from the same problem (a loose connection).
Any help you can offer is appreciated. TIA!