you have a few possible things, as Old Guy said the fuse is the first, replace with a 30amp, if you have a test light see t there is power at the fuse in case you have a break in the line (just in case).
Then if the fluid may be suspect and frozen in the system they make sure the car in put in a warm place and see if this cures the issue.
if not you can remove the drivers side headlight and get access to the 2 pump motors, one with smaller gauge wires is the one pumping to the hood, the other is for the bumper. Take your test light and a friend and see if you have power when you try and activate the pumps, if you have power and hear nothing the pumps may be seized or burnt, replace and then all should be OK.
if you have no power then the wires may be damaged somewhere.
I have seen pumps seize up if they were not used for a long time, or just bad luck. Hope this helps.
I unplugged the pump to the bum per to avoid the frozen bumper washer situation alltogether, plus I hated flooding my light with all that fluid.
good luck.