Just wanted to say Hi. This is my first Audi( My dad had a 2002 passat he hated. I drove it and hated it also, very bad lag with the 5spd tip for some reason). I have had a lot of cars before this one. Many eclipses, Dodge Stealth, 2 Blazers, and now my audi. This is my first Turbo/AWD car and I love it especially in the snow. It's a 2000 A4 1.8TQ. It has pretty much all the options, sport susp, hids, heated sport seats, sunroof, 5spd, etc. I also manage over 32Mpg on the highway which is amazing. It has 122K Miles and feels/looks like new. I do have plans to mod as the mod bug is getting to me bad. I want to start off with a ecu flash and some suspension mods. You guys have a lot of aftermarket support which is way more than I could say for my 3g eclipse or Stealth. Oh and my cluster doesn't have one dead pixel knock on wood...
P.s. im parting a 95 blazer if anyone knows anyone that needs parts.
On to the pics