Well I just recently got my car back from the body shop - and tonight I got on it hard for the first time.
Here's the facts:
The car has been sitting for 2.5 months - it's been started to get moved around the shop - but never driven.
The car was hit in the rear, and the gas tank was slightly dented, but it popped back out.
Here's whats happening:
Under full throttle (only tried 2nd and 3rd gears) at what seems exactly 5,000RPM the car just completely cuts out. It's like I'm not even hitting the gas.
It doesn't break up at all really, just stops accelerating. It does not stall.
I looked in my rearview and noticed some smoke (black).
I'm thinking either 1, my plugs are fouled - but why wouldn't the car break up and run like crap after 5k?
or 2, there is damaged to the fuel pump, the ECU is sensing not enough fuel and cutting the throttle to prevent damage?? (if thats even possible).
My car is a stage 3 car btw.