So I bought an '05 Ultrasport Avant 1.8T about a month ago, so I'm still getting used to everything and trying to figure out all the different parts and pieces of the car. My vehicle has an APR chip in it, not too sure which one, but I know that it requires Premium fuel now.
On the highway / freeway going a steady 65 mph on average I can get 28-31 mpg on a tank. My last tank driving probably 80% city, I got almost 21 MPG.
After my most recent fill up (2 1/2 days ago) and driving 50 miles, 70-75% city, my fuel gauge already reads 3/4 tank. I never remember it reading that low after so little miles. Is this normal for an Avant? Or could something be wrong? Anyone having any input? Thank you in advance!
PS - car is still under warranty, so any recommendations towards that if necessary are appreciated.