alright gents, decided to officailly do my batmobile theme..
for phase one, the car will recieve matte black wheels, grille, and yellow painted calipers..
additional phases will resume in time when i can afford better wheels, and other mods...
i will say this is deffinately not a luxury look for an A4, but thats not what i desire, so if you want to call it ricey..well thats just fine by me!
my cars real father..

okay, so im going to keep you guys posted on my progress..
Stage 1. ...OEM Grille Blackout...
okay so far i have the grille painted (which came out perfect and you would never guess its spray paint)
i would say it looks just as nice as an ecs blackout grille going for $200+
ofcourse they got me on quality, but it came out showroom status!
the grille was dissassembled into 3 pieces for precise painting..
the outer chrome ring.
the filler plate.
and the grille itself.
i will begin the wheels tomorrow..

heres a pic of the smooth-ness of paint job\\

stickers left intact:)

before bumper was put on..

just before bumper attachtment..

and the final product of the grille(cost me less than $10)

i'd have to say im amazed on how i am tranforming my car into a goblin for almost noting..