Tonight was probably the scariest driving experience of my life. Weather wasn't horrible, there was light snow on the ground, and I was traveling about 60-65mph in a three lane highway on the fast lane. Everything is dandy, until I had some chevrolet pickup truck that came up behind me REALLY fast, and I didn't have room to move over to the center lane, and when I finally had the chance, I signaled to go over, but he went to the middle lane faster then i did...Assuming he floored it to get past me.
However, as he passes me, his rear breaks lose, and for christ sakes, he was only about half a car length to a car length ahead of me. Until he spun and eventually was facing traffic... Well, that means he was facing me, and during this time as it happened, I've already decelerated to the best of my ability, and managed to get around him using the center lane. But thats not the end of the story, because as that happened, thanks to traction control, I was heading for the railings on the right side of the highway... i thought to myself, game over, roaring year 2009. But thankfully, I managed to turn ESP off, attempted to flick the wheel got my rear to slide out to head back in the right direction, however I was now facing traffic. Scariest thing of my life.
But I am ok. Everyone saw the incident, and slowed down to give me and the truck some room. The truck hit the wall... with his rear quarter panel, no damage done to my car...
Now the lesson, I am by no means an expert driver, but jeezus, people becareful when you drive out in the snow, I got lucky. It was not skill by any means. This right here probably would of ended my life if i was hit during anytime in this situation.