Originally Posted by
I always use my key since I dont have any wireless entry system.
I searched a bit after I posted.
I think the previous owner tooked out the manual lock system because suposedly it was easier to break into the car.
Heres a link:
Odd, I pulled out mine when I did my CF doors and yet I can still unlock my driver door with my key.
The wires on the key tumbler are to turn off/on the alarm and unlock/lock all the doors. But you can still unlock the driver door using the key even if remove those wires from the tumbler. It isn't like everything in the driver door is electronic, there are still rods connected to those parts.
Funny thing is that the people stealing the cars dont do what the person wrote in that article. They dont actualy hit the rod to unlock the car. They punch the door with a screw driver to ground the unlock wire which also happens to turn off the alarm. This is why they are able to get into the car without the alarm ever making a sound. If they hit just the rod to unlock it(like using a slim jim) the alarm would sound.