Hey everyone, looking for a little advice here
So the car is an 04 A4 with 40 sum odd thousand km’s, now anyone living in the north eastern hemisphere right now, namely Toronto knows about the snowy hell we’ve been going through the last couple days so there’s more than enough slush sticking to the car right now. I was driving into work today, and I’m heading up a hill when I hit the gas and the EPC light suddenly comes on followed by the traction light 10 seconds later, so I pull into a parking lot shut down/restart EPC stays but traction goes away I start driving a little bit and as soon as the tires slip a bit EPC, traction and now the check engine lights all come on, shut down/restart and same thing. There is some power loss like the traction is trying to work but then I start sliding out, so I’m not really sure if it is working or not when I press the button to turn it on/off nothing happens. This feels like at might be an ECU issue, faulty sensor or something , but I’m not sure, I think I should get a diagnostics done, but has anyone heard of this before, any ideas suggestions??