Now I know a bunch of you will probably suggest to just buy a new A5 or S5 instead of this one, but please do not post that. Please pretend as if you truly wanted to buy this car and let me know how much you would offer if you were in my situation.
A local dealership has had a 2008 Audi S5 in the front of their lot for awhile now and until now I always assumed it was a new car. In fact it is a used car which is extremely rare in my area, so I immediately fell in love with the car. Then I noticed why it has been sitting there for so long....It has over 28k miles on it already! Now I know some of you may immediately turn down this car, and I am not interested in buying the car unless I get a great deal.
Here is a link to the car:
Please let me know what offer I should make to the dealer and at what price would I be getting a good deal. Thank you all in advance because this community has already helped me out many times before!