first was during those back to back snowstorms a few weeks ago in northeast. i'm driving home at around 10pm after work. like a ghosttown outside. i have an old pickup truck in front of me that is having trouble. he is swerving, and i wanted to get home so i tried to get around him with the quattro. i swerved a little as well going around, but the car bit in and i was on my way. wtf out of the blue a cop starts to follow me and then the lights. i can barely pull over b/c of the icy conditions, and the car starts skidding to a halt. i guess when i went around the guy the lane i went into was a turning lane, but i couldn't see that b/c of the snow and sleet. the cop starts to give me a speech about how unsafe my driving was. there was nobody else on the road and the guy looked like he was about to spin out and crash. i felt confident with my driving skills and the car that i could get away from this person and avoid a problem, and the cop wants to give me a lecture. i could have crashed just trying to pullover. luckily i have a card, and i treat po's in my practice, he let me go with a warning. i was happy to not get a ticket, but at the same time mad to get a lecture in the middle of a snowstorm.
second was last week again about 9pm after work. i'm driving thru this little mall again not a soul around where i park my car. i admit i stepped on the gas a little, but in sport mode and chipped the torque does come on very fast. before you know it i'm being tailed by a cop. he follows me for about 2 miles then the lights. he must have been patrolling the mall. he asks for the usual 3. he tells me going a little fast weren't you. i said i didn't think so. he starts to tell me about the specks of my car like he was jealous. he asks me to bring up my window to check my tint. luckily i had it removed from the front before inspection. he starts to tell me the laws for tint in nj. he says don't worry i'm not getting a ticket i just wanted to inspect your identification. wtf. dont get me wrong i sort of dodged 2 bullets i'm happy, but this car lately has had a cloud over it. came from an evo 9. over 3 years and no tickets. had this for 4 months and have been pulled over 3 times.