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  1. #1
    Senior Member Three Rings SouthpawE46's Avatar
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    Confused on what process to take

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    so here's my amateur detailing supply kit..

    after getting the paint cleaner, glaze, and NU FINISH polish, i dont know what order they are applyed in..

    after the clay bar? after the wax?

    im stumped, and i dont wanna ruin the finish.

    this is also the first time polishing my car, and using the chemicals in the tan bottles, so im confused on how/when to use them..



  2. #2
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Re: Confused on what process to take


    The NU Finish.. sorry to tell you, but was a waste of money. It's in between a paint cleaner, and a mild polish, which you already bought. And believe me, you can't get away with only doing it once a year in most cases :D

    So you'll want to wash the car, clay it, then do the fine cut cleaner, the glaze, then go pick yourself up some Meguiars Gold Class Carnuba wax. That should do the trick ;)

    Also, the little machine is pretty much useless as providing any sort of cut to the paint in order to get rid of swirls. Go to the forum sponsor and look up the Porter Cable.. it's 100x better than the hand vibrator you bought :).

    Good luck, if you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Three Rings SouthpawE46's Avatar
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    Re: Confused on what process to take

    Thanks so much Aaron.

    About pads, i heard there is a whole sceme about pads

    "Purple Foamed Wool LCC Pads are the most agressive Pad
    Yellow LCC Pads are on of the most agressive pad (Most used for compounding)
    Orange LCC Pads are mild agressive (Used for medium polishes)
    White LCC Pads are used for finish, slight agressive (For light polishes)
    Black LCC Pads have no cut (Good for applying glazes, or waxes)
    Blue LCC Pads have no cut, and are super soft (Good for appling liquid sealants)"

  4. #4
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Re: Confused on what process to take

    Quote Originally Posted by SouthpawE46 View Post
    Thanks so much Aaron.

    About pads, i heard there is a whole sceme about pads
    Yeah.. it can be complicated. But places like Lake Country make GREAT pads.. but too many choices. Me personally? I own 3 different types of foam pads, and 3 different types of wool pads. No need to get all crazy with 7 different types of foam pads etc.

    Get yourself a couple 5.5" LC Orange, White, and Black FLAT pads. That's all you'll need (of course assuming you get a PC or Flex DA). It really doesn't have to be complicated.. people just make it complicated to make them (or the product) sound better ;).

  5. #5
    Veteran Member Three Rings scot_w's Avatar
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    Re: Confused on what process to take

    Fortunately Phil has made choosing pads super easy:

    Introducing the Uber Flat Foam Buffing Pads


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