If anyone has been to h20, its got a similar feel. We have a strip that gets cruised by all kinds of muscle, ricers, imports, and euros. Us being there on fri and sat night makes it a pretty epic night at "university" ave. We have discounted rates on hotels, so keep an eye out for that if you are coming.
PLEASE pre-register if you are coming from out of state. Space is severely limited. If you arent going to pre-register, dont come. I would hate for someone to get left out after driving all that way.
We have coverage in PVW, eurotuner, PBMW and more... It is the premiere show in the midwest. (unless you think garbage like HIN is cool)
Here are some photos from last year!
The show is held at a historic brewery in downtown minneapolis. its gorgeous. The lot is all brand new asphalt, and rocks.

trike race and modification competition:

syrup chugging contest anyone?

here are some of the trophies that we gave out:

You can find the rest of the information you need to know here:
Or, post here, I'll answer any questions you may have. If you plan on coming, spread the word!