So I was driving back from Santa Barbara and a cop (it wasn't HP, looked like a forest ranger symbol actually, but not entirely sure..) pulled me over. I had my escort radar detector on and was cruising around 80 maybe (not any more). The radar never goes off and I just look behind me and he has his lights on/pulls me over. He says he paced me.
He then asks me how fast I was going (my mistake), I tell him 75, he then gives me a ticket for going 75 in a 65...=X (dammit)...My question is can I fight it since he has no substantial evidence I was speeding..or because I admitted guilt to going the certain speed that I was given am I just fcuked?
Thanks if anyone has any past experiences...
sometimes you have to boo Nogaro was at 8am on a sunday and I was the only one on the road..