So I went to get my Timing belt service done at a place called KMD Tuning in Mountainside, NJ. I made the appointment in advance and dropped the car off December 30th at 8:15 AM. I was told the car would be ready by 4 PM but I ended up not getting the car back until 5:30. After I got my car back, I drove it home(about 8 miles) and parked it for the night. The next day(new years eve), I ran some errands in the S, which maybe took around 30 minutes or 10 miles. Now I'm almost home turning on the end of my street, and i went to accelerate and the car shut off, the battery light came on and I rolled the rest of the way home in neutral. Now the car starts but quickly shuts off when I release the clutch into gear.
And no I havent even gotten a chance to whip it since the service.